πŸ€Flippin' Gach

No staking. No token. The Flippin' Gach.

The NFT world is overwhelming. We strive to provide a utility that is simple, rewarding and engaging β€” just pop onto our website press a button and have a chance to receive a reward! That’s all!

Found in nearly every corner of Japan. The Gachapon is a machine that sells random toys in capsules. With our web3.0 enabled and innovative digital interpretation, we allow our holders to turn the knob for a chance to win something special…

We have two Gachapon systems, Gach-IT (Pay2Spin) and Free Rabbit Spins (hold Rabbit NFT for daily spins!).

Gach-IT (Pay2Spin)

Play Now: https://gacha.flippinrabbits.xyz/

Win a NFT 100% of the time! Hold a Rabbit NFT to receive an 11% discount!

JACKPOT 2.1% Chance Up to 40 SOL value GRAND Prize 41% Chance 0.90 SOL+ value


JACKPOT 0.99% Chance Up to 40 SOL value GRAND Prize 19% Chance 0.90 SOL+

Disclaimer: NFTs are volatile and prices may change throughout the week

Our Winners...

Free Rabbit Spins

Holders can spin daily for a chance to win NFTs, SPL tokens, custom GFX, merchandise, digital goods and more! Each spin will provide experience points, thus levelling your Rabbit NFT. After reaching a certain Level your Rabbit will become a πŸ€Lucky Rabbit, a new art masterpiece, that showcases it’s rarity. Furthermore, higher levels will provide a multiplier in our Gacha system. Would you spin for a chance to win a DeGod?

Levelling System

Spin the Flippin’ Gach to earn experience (200EXP - 1000EXP) and level up your Flippin’ Rabbit NFT! Each level becomes exponentially harder with 10 levels in total. Reach the last level and evolve into the Luckiest Rabbit…

Levelling up unlocks the prize-pool tiers and adds a multiplier to your chances to win awesome prizes. The Rabbit NFTs will store the level metadata, viewable in the marketplace before purchasing, providing more value to higher levelled Rabbits.

[400exp] Casual Rabbit Lvl 1 - unlock Common tier

[1,600exp] Fluky Rabbit Lvl 2 - unlock Digital Goods

[3,600exp] Destined Rabbit Lvl 3 - unlock Rare tier

[6,400exp] Karma Rabbit Lvl 4 - unlock Rabbit NFTs

[10,000exp] Successful Rabbit Lvl 5 - unlock Epic tier

[14,400exp] Fortunate Rabbit Lvl 6 - unlock Legendary tier

[19,600exp] Golden Rabbit Lvl 7 - unlock Revenue Share

[25,600exp] Rich Rabbit Lvl 8 - win rate boost

[32,400exp] Blessed Rabbit Lvl 9 - win rate boost

[40,000exp] Lucky Rabbit Lvl 10 β€” The Luckiest Rabbit


All holders who spin has a chance to win prizes that range from NFTs, SPL Tokens to special prizes. All for free to holders! Prizes will be replenished once won or on a monthly basis.

πŸŸͺ Legendary

Blue-chip NFT prizes

πŸŸ₯ Epic

Mid-tier NFT prizes

🟦 Rare

High-growth NFT prizes

🟨 Common

SPL tokens: $SOL/$USDC/$DUST

🟩 Special

Rabbit NFTs, Digital Goods, whitelist token, merchandise, Rabbit branded coffee, level up, EXP, extra spin fragments and more! - Claim Whitelists in our WL HUB HERE - Claim Digital goods in our DIGITAL GOODS HUB HERE - Use all tokens to enter our RAFFLES HERE

View current prizes!

How to play?

Gacha here: Coming soon...

  1. Select rabbit to spin

  2. All rabbits have 1 free spin per day (Skeleton trait rabbits will have additional spins)

  3. Obtain more spins through our missions or redeem (5) Spin Fragments for 1 spin

  4. Spins reset at 5PM UTC EVERDAY

  5. Spin to have a chance to win prizes

  6. Obtain EXP to level up your Rabbit metadata

  7. Higher levels unlock higher prize tiers


Last updated